
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

pumpkins on my mind

Oh dear. I can't decide if I'm delighted or dejected to finally find my way to the wealth of promoformation at the bubblestampede blog of Laura Salas and Fiona Bayrock. So many provocative ideas, so many approaches, so obvious that I should have started long before beginning of June! Despite my 'tenacity,' I have been rebuffed by the farm where the pumpkin butterfly poem, "Ghosts," happened; they can't fit my fabulous book launch event into their packed pumpkin-harvest October now I'm trawling for another pumpkin farm that has more respect for poetry and racking my brain for another clever launch venue...

1 comment:

  1. Good luck and please post and let us know how you get on:)


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!