
Friday, December 17, 2010

"the gift of time"

Oh, glory! Thanks to a steady sifting of snow yesterday, the DC metro area is now just incapacitated enough to open schools on a 2-hour delay. This is in addition to last evening's gift of a glass of wine and a natter with neighbors, possible because of cancelled kidtivities. My contempt for a local culture that keeps children IN for recess because it's snowing is temporarily outweighed--selfishly--by gratitude for the gift of unexpected free time.

For the gingerbread fans, here are the promised photos: my mother's 1940 cookie cutter, the D's at work with the dough, and the finished adorables on the tree. (I could wish the photos were more skilled--but that's not my area, according to the division of labor in this family).

Poetry is my area, however. This week I've been at work on two projects: judging the work of some high school poets for the PTA's "Reflections" arts program, and working with the wonderfully versatile Laura Shovan on a grown-up poetry anthology that will be published by the Maryland Writers' Association. I'll have three poems in the collection and am also writing an introduction to one section, which has been a refreshing challenge.

At our house we're preparing for Yuletide and our "high holiday" Solstice Dinner. It's a tradition for me to give the guests (close family and neighbors) gifts of light on the shortest day of the year. There have been candles and candleholders and matches and flashlights of all descriptions over the years, but this year I'm going intangible, in this direction:

“If I stand”
from Light by Inger Christensen

If I stand
alone in the snow
it is clear
that I am a clock

how else would eternity
find its way around

Step into the pool of winter light that is Poetry Friday, hosted today by Amy at The Poem Farm!


  1. Love the photos. I finally get to see the infamous gingerbread cookie cutter. Glad you all got time together.

    I do love D.C.'s snow freakout habits. I find them kind of charming.

  2. Great post, Heidi! I like the mix of gingerbread and poetry. Congrats on having three poems in the MWA collection!

  3. What a happy-full post, Heidi. We loved your gingerbread cookie recipe...and your cutter is so cute! The cookies are so good, and we've been eating them, but now I want to hang some on the tree. Some are still faceless...waiting for this afternoon when the children's vacation begins and the bowls of candy reappear! You've got a full poetry plate these days - lucky us. I wish you and yours a glorious Solstice Dinner. A.

  4. Lovely post. I covet that gingerbread man cookie cutter. :)

  5. Just dropping by to give season's greetings to this lovely blog. Your citrus fruits at the top remind me today of one of Dickens' famous Christmas punches!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!