
Friday, April 15, 2011

the middle is the end and the beginning

In our school district, teachers have been teaching (and testing) for 9 weeks straight without a day off, and if you count all the way back to January, for 15 weeks with only a couple of 3-day weekends to catch a breath. This middle day of April is the end of one butt-kicking passage of time, and the beginning of the most exciting, most needed Spring Break I've had EVER. We're going to Costa Rica!

I'm thankful that I'll still be a presence during NaPoMo, thanks to TOMORROW's post by Gregory K featuring "The Playroom Floor Writes a Novel" at 30 Poets/30 Days, and thanks to Laura Shovan at Author Amok, who is including a new poem of mine in her NaPoMo project featuring Maryland poets TODAY!

For now, in honor of both the wildlife I hope to encounter in Costa Rica and the lifestyle I hope to enjoy there, a classic by Theodore Roethke:

The Sloth

In moving slow he has no Peer.

You ask him something in his Ear,

He thinks about it for a Year;

And, then, before he says a Word

There, upside down (unlike a Bird),

He will assume that you have Heard--

A most Ex-as-per-at-ing Lug.

But should you call his manner Smug,

He’ll sigh and hive his Branch a Hug;

Then off again to Sleep he goes,

Still swaying gently by his Toes,

And you just know he knows he knows.

~ Theodore Roethke

Today's roundup will find us all wrapped up in noodles by Diane Mayr at Random Noodling.


  1. I hope you enjoy your time away and that it is most slothful!

  2. I love this poem! And I love the cute/ugly faces on sloths, too. I envy you your vacation. Have fun!

  3. after the word 'hobo' (which i like simply for its sound) i love the word sloth and all it implies. i don't always think of it in a negative way either. sometimes i rather prefer to sloth.

    fun poem, thanks for sharing. enjoy that much-deserved spring break!

  4. Have a great vacation! Sounds wonderful. I enjoyed the sloth poem. Let us know if you see any.

  5. ...and let us know what they tell you! My hubby and our 16-year-old son are heading to Costa Rica in June (Surf Camp). Have a wonderful trip!

  6. There's a wonderful video clip from the Favorite Poem Project of a fifth grader reciting this poem:

    Enjoy your trip to Costa Rica!

  7. Hi, Heidi. I hope you get some sloth-like rest in Costa Rica. Enjoy, my dear! See you tomorrow at CityLit Festival.

  8. Enjoy your vacation! Two weeks to go before our testing and our spring break long gone. However, we ARE looking forward to our earliest end day ever -- the Friday BEFORE Memorial Day! Glory Be! I think we'll make it!!

  9. Sounds like you're having the time of your life. You deserve it!!!!


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