
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

OIK! a new feature: The "Overheard in Kindergarten" Tickle

Many of my poems are seeded by words overheard in the classroom.   In an effort to preserve the surprising, original, inspiring language of 3- to 7-year-olds, I'm designating Tuesday nights--or very early Wednesdays--as  "Overheard in Kindergarten" day here at my juicy little universe.  Perhaps you'll be as tickled as I often am by the things they say!

I'll record a bon mot let loose from the mouths of my 5-year-old babes, and those who wish to be tickled can come and post a poetic response in the comments.  You can also post your own Overheard nuggets for others to enjoy. My goal for this week is one response (besides my own).

What I can't promise is extensive commentary afterwards.  However, all participants will receive a big Mighty Minnows star for playing, and I hope we'll all have fun!

Here's this week's OIK, from Harry (all names are altered to protect identities):   
"You skipped me!  I need some of that sandihantizer."

Here's mine:


With one miracle pump
it squirts into your palm:
the sticky-salt smell
of the ocean,
the grit and sparkle
of itty-bitty particles
across your cheek and
between your teeth--
a handful of beach
pumped from a plastic bottle.

DRAFT Heidi Mordhorst 2011
all rights reserved

And from my dad:

Alcohol gel may sanitize
but nothing removes playground grime
Like Sandihantizer

Bob Mordhorst


  1. I'll LISTEN carefully to my 5 x 2 = (almost) 10 year-olds and I'll try to play along!

  2. Oh, wait! I've got one for this week!

    On Thursday, my shoes we inexplicably squeaky on the hallway floors. Something about the material of the soles, I guess. As we chatted about my squeaky shoes, Gabe announce that he was wearing sneakers. Then he realized how punny he had been and said it again, "I'm wearing SNEAKers!" followed by, "and Ms. Hahn is wearing SQUEAKERS!!!"

    That went right up on our juicy words display on the word wall!

  3. Here's one response!

    When R was much younger, one evening while protesting mightily at the thought of his curly little head hitting the pillow, he yelled, "I'm deleting bedtime!"

  4. My dad helps me meet my goal:

    Alcohol gel may sanitize
    but nothing removes playground grime
    Like Sandihantizer

    Bob Mordhorst

  5. Here's mine:


    With one miracle pump
    it squirts into your palm:
    the sticky-salt smell
    of the ocean,
    the grit and sparkle
    of itty-bitty particles
    across your cheek and
    between your teeth--
    a handful of beach
    pumped from a plastic bottle.

    DRAFT Heidi Mordhorst 2011
    all rights reserved

  6. Your poems are "so much fun" to read and the word is a precious rendition.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!