
Friday, April 26, 2013

30d30w: word 26 and a special challenge


secret whistles,
fiery code…
happy wrapping
hides the empty

something whispers…
furry coat?
sniffing whiskers?

 subtle wishes,
buried hope…

For those who are just tuning in, welcome to the 30days30words cumulative, collaborative poem! To keep things simple for busy people this National Poetry Month, I posted a single word on April 1 and each day have invited all comers to suggest the next word in the poem. We have continued like this throughout April, one word at a time, and are nearing the conclusion of a poem of surprising form and function.  Please do go back and see how the poem has evolved through the faithful contributions of around a dozen thoughtful, playful collaborators!
It seems we must literally leap towards the conclusion now. All in a rush now the beloved missing (or new) birthday creature will leap into the poem, eyespawsandall, and I think I'll be selecting the last word myself (I might even know what it is, but we'll see!).

So, dear players, I have a special challenge for you on April 29. Instead of suggesting the final word, I invite you to suggest
a revision, an edit, a change that you believe will improve the whole poem. I've certainly felt at several points along the way that I may have made a misstep in my selections or formatting, or that my head overruled my heart or vice versa.  I bet YOU can help me and "birthday" finish with a flourish. Thank you!



  1. I think the question marks aren't necessary

  2. In light of the whole poem, fiery (which I loved at the time) doesn't seem to quite fit the cuteness...


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!