
Sunday, April 7, 2013

30d30w: word seven


secret whistles
fiery code
nothing happy

Today's word is suggested by my "walking friend" Petrina and her son Super M, age approximately 5.  While I'm blogging at a fairly sophisticated adult level, I'd like the poem to point definitively towards Super M and his fellow early readers, and for that audience no word fits birthday better than happy.  And yet, to challenge them, so far there's "nothing happy."  Why not?  What's going wrong with the secret whistles and fiery code?  Or do we just have to wait a bit, be more patient, to understand the whispers of the birthday universe?

You'll notice that I've now attributed the delicious photo that has become the logo of the 30days30words project.  Mary Lee of A Year of Reading put her internet media savvy to work and writes this:

"I found your image, Heidi, and here's how I did it: Like you, Google searches got me nowhere. I have the Google search app on my phone, but have never tried Google Goggles, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Basically, through Google Goggles you take a photo of something and Mr. Google searches his (Ms. Google searches HER?) visual memory of things that look like that and gives you possible links to check. Bingo! I found the page (in Italian) and followed that person's link to the image back to Flickr. Lucky you -- this picture has a Creative Commons license." 

Mary Lee explains that I can provide attribution by adding a caption that says something like "Flickr Creative Commons photo by..." and link back to the source page.   Mary Lee also recommends the politeness that our mothers taught us:  "I always like to leave a "thanks for making this Creative Commons" note in the comments of CC photos I use from Flickr with a link back to my post and a little explanation of how I used the image. I've gotten a few of those notes on my Flickr account and it's nice to know how your images are being used!"

When I right-clicked Mykl's photo, up came a label saying "This photo has some rights reserved," and when I clicked some rights reserved I got a very nice summary of how this work may be used by others.  Also, I think I made a new friend.  Mykl's sets and series of photos are just right up my alley.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!