
Friday, October 25, 2013

OIK: academic vocabulary

Outside, during our daily 5-minute run-around:

Me:  "Look up and notice the clouds.  First they were over there and now they're over on this side of the sky.  How do you think that happened?"

Julee:  "Maybe the clouds collaborated together to travel through the sky."

wind and

wind and

nimbly swim
across the sky



  1. Good morning, Heidi. You asked a beautiful question -- one I think that could only be asked of children. And what an amazing answer. Thanks for sharing your students' words.

  2. Sweet! (Both the quote and the poem)

    "Nimbly swim" is fun to say :-)

  3. Oh my goodness, Heidi, a perfect poem for my "SKY" year! I have looked at clouds so much this year... love your collaborative nimble poem!

  4. Heidi, I LOVE this poem! Collaboration-- that's a big word for a small child. You do your job well! And I, too, would like to "nimbly swim/ across the sky."

  5. Thanks for sharing that sweet moment, the genesis for a wonderful poem!

  6. What a great inspiration for a wonderful poem! I loved "mimbly swim"....but me in mind of nimbus...right?

  7. I have to agree that "nimbly swim" is just so much fun to say and so fitting for clouds in their blue pool. Wonderful poem!

  8. Delightful! Just shows what comes of asking the right questions.

  9. Oh, how I love those collaborative clouds. And maybe it takes a teacher to "get" the irony of your post title. Leave it to kids (and their wise teacher) to take that Academic Vocabulary and use it for poetry's sake...

  10. Hi Heidi,
    So love this and the moment in toto! Learning to "collaborate" and noticing it in nature! Dear. This goes with what I talk about in never underestimating what kids will be interested or can do, especially with poetry. Now....I would love to know the backstory of how you introduced the idea of collaboration in Kindergarten. We used to say, "you need to share and play nicely", right? Now we give it the rigor of "collaboration" and that can't hurt, only enhance when done in a loving, kid-friendly way. They really do pay attention to every detail, don't they! And I love your poem, btw. Off to speak at NYSRA tomorrow! I know you think I would have found the kidlitosphere eventually, but honestly thanks to you, I have so broadened my world. I give you thanks frequently for being so kind to share with me back in Chicago! Will you be in Boston this year? Maybe next year you would be on a panel with me? Think about it!
    Janet F.

  11. I love your little poem. The word choices are just right, collaborate, elaborate, nimbly swimming. Watching clouds should be a standard in the kindergarten classroom.

  12. I would love to hear the conversation between the clouds that you hint at in this lovely, fun to read aloud poem. Nicely done!! Kids say such funny things. I'm glad you're keeping track on your blog -- we've forgotten so many of the witticisms generated by the kids in the family!

  13. Great poem, Heidi!! I love to look at clouds!

  14. Conspiring clouds! Beautiful! :) One of the GatheringBooks ladies, Fats, has this thing with clouds and she would often take amazing photographs. Beautiful, aren't they.


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