
Friday, February 28, 2014

sunshine part 2

Last week I completed Part 1 of the "homework" that comes with receiving a Sunshine Award--I shared 11 random facts and answered Ruth's 11 interesting questions.  This week I must list 11 bloggers who also deserve a Sunshine Award and pose 11 interesting questions for them!

My list will certainly include folks who have already been awarded, but I hope it will also include those whom I (and you) want to know more about.  These are people whose blogs, whose work, and whose simple existence bring sunshine to my juicy little universe.  Here they are, in alphabetical order:

Robyn Hood Black at Life on the Deckle Edge
Ed DeCaria at Think, Kid, Think!
Carrie Finison at The Story Patch
Matt Forrest Esenwine at Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme
Mary Lee Hahn at A Year of Reading
Michelle Heidenrich Barnes at Today's Little Ditty
Penny Klostermann at a penny and her jots
Greg Pincus at Gotta Book
Buffy Silverman at Buffy's Blog
Margaret Simon at Reflections on the Teche
Liz Steinglass at herself

I also want to shine a little sunshine on a now defunct blog, Book Aunt by the lovely Kate Coombs, which came to an end last April but whose spirit lives on in Kate's other kinds of work.

Here are my questions for these 11...serious writerly questions first, seriously personal questions at the end!
1) What's the first poem you remember knowing?  (You get to define "knowing".)
2) What's the first poem you remember writing? (You get to define "writing".)
3) Can you summarize your typical composition process in three easy steps? Okay, then, do it!
4) What classic or famous poem have you used as a model, on purpose?  Share if you care to.
5) With whom would you like to write a collection of poems?  (Living candidates only, please.)
6) What's the weirdest place or moment you've ever found yourself composing?
7) What's the weirdest place or moment you've ever been in, period?
8) Say you have an unexpected couple of hours to yourself at home.  What do you do?  Include details of food, drink, tools, rules, etc.
9)  Say you suddenly find yourself in my kindergarten classroom with an opportunity to relive the 5-year-old you.  What do you enjoy most?
10) Say Dr. Who shows up in his Tardis and invites you on a three-hour tour.  Where do you go?  Whom do you visit?  Do you bring anything back?
And, closing with an easy one,
11) When's your birthday?

To you whom I've nominated:  your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to
  1. Acknowledge the nominating bloggers
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger creates for you
  4. List 11 bloggers
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they've been nominated.  (You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you.)
Now I'm off to let those 11 know that I'm thinking of'll find many posting for Poetry Friday at Poet! Poet! with Anastasia.


  1. What an honor, Heidi! Since I already did a sunshine post last month, I don't think I'll be doing another, but thanks so much for making my mood sunny and my day special. :)

  2. Thanks for the nomination. I do like your questions, but I don't want to bore my audience with more about me. Hmm. We'll see.

  3. Thanks for the blog mention, Heidi!!! I received the Sunshine Award a while back and did a post on it. But having you spread the sunshine brightened my day :-)

  4. Thanks for the honor! Here are my answers:

    1) What's the first poem you remember knowing? (You get to define "knowing".)
    "Who has seen the wind?
    Neither you nor I:
    But when the trees bow down their heads,
    The wind is passing by." --Rossetti

    2) What's the first poem you remember writing? (You get to define "writing".)
    I had a couple of poems published in a Methodist Youth magazine in high school.

    3) Can you summarize your typical composition process in three easy steps? Okay, then, do it!
    Stare into space
    Sip Tea

    4) What classic or famous poem have you used as a model, on purpose? Share if you care to.
    Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins

    5) With whom would you like to write a collection of poems? (Living candidates only, please.)
    Heidi Mordhorst and Amy LV

    6) What's the weirdest place or moment you've ever found yourself composing?
    Pulling out of the school parking lot.

    7) What's the weirdest place or moment you've ever been in, period?
    Top of 3rd Flatiron above Boulder, CO.

    8) Say you have an unexpected couple of hours to yourself at home. What do you do? Include details of food, drink, tools, rules, etc.
    HOURS?!?! Oh, my. I think I would make a cup of hot tea and read.

    9) Say you suddenly find yourself in my kindergarten classroom with an opportunity to relive the 5-year-old you. What do you enjoy most?
    Story Time. (aka read aloud)

    10) Say Dr. Who shows up in his Tardis and invites you on a three-hour tour. Where do you go? Whom do you visit? Do you bring anything back?
    I would like to meet my paternal grandparents.

    And, closing with an easy one,
    11) When's your birthday?
    Dec. 4


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!