
Thursday, July 3, 2014

pf round-up: independence day edition

Welcome to all! Since folks may be traveling or otherwise celebrating our national holiday tomorrow, I thought I'd open for business this evening, before I put up my post for tomorrow.  Please leave your links in the comments, and I'll be rounding up early in the morning, around the lunch hour, and then again at Happy Hour.  Let the fireworks begin!

Good morning--all the clouds here in Bethesda made it hard to pop up (and then there is the daily argument with the 11yo about whether he has completed responsibilities before taking to his screen, which used up some time), but here we are!  I had intended to post something red, white and blue today, but then last night I opened up a book I received for joining the Academy of American Poets, Poem in Your Pocket (selected by Elaine Bleakney, introduction by Kay Ryan) and performed my summer evening ritual of closing my eyes and tearing out a random poem.  (It's okay; that's what it's designed for.)  And what should appear in my hand but a wonder by our own Julie Larios!  And the more I read it, the more American and patriotic and appropriate it seemed (except for maybe the first line of stanza 1).

What Bee Did || Julie Larios

Bee not only buzzed.
When swatted at, Bee deviled,
Bee smirched. And when fuddled,
like many of us, Bee labored, Bee reaved.
He behaved as well as any Bee can have.

Bee never lied. Bee never lated.
And despite the fact Bee took, Bee also stowed.
In love, Bee seiged. Bee seeched.
Bee moaned, Bee sighed himself,
Bee gat with his Beloved.

And because Bee tokened summer...

Bee sure to follow this link to read the very last buzz and perhaps to hear Julie read this poem herself at the Cortland Review online, and be dazzled.

And now for the roundup!

Mary Lee shares a poem that she says might have been written about her Colorado hometown at A Year of Reading. 

Laura Salas shares a fireworks poem by Rebecca Kai Dotlich at her blog (kaboom!)

At Today's Little Ditty Michelle shares an interview with Tamera Will Wissinger and this month's Ditty challenge.

Diane brings us a Sketchbook Project poem, "American Bambina," at Random Noodling and a Poetry Friday quote at KK's Kwotes, but Kurious Kitty is taking a well-deserved holiday!

Laura Shovan has a rumination about owls today, featuring a poem from Forest Has a Song by Amy Ludwig Vanderwater, at Author Amok.

More fireworks--small ones, I expect--from Valerie Worth, over at Carol's Corner.

Julie Larios joins us again today with "America the Beautiful," which has her wondering about "picnics and abundance and beaches and grandparents and explosions in the distance..."

Myra celebrates our national holiday from afar with "Emma's Poem: The Voice of the Statue of Liberty" at Gathering Books--most fitting.

Tabatha returns from her beach vacation with "The Solipsist" by Troy Jollimore--always something or someone new to discover at The Opposite of Indifference.

We all welcome Irene's participation as audience today, I'm sure, and in the context of my own haiku study I'm very curious about Liz's "unwanted haiku" posted at Elizabeth Steinglass!

Also, a visit to Tricia's Monday Poetry Stretch is worth a trip--our prompt was "America is..." and there are some fresh responses from Jane Yolen, Kate Coombs and Steven Withrow.   They're at The Miss Rumphius Effect.

Tara joins in with a different sort of July 4th poem at A Teaching Life.

From Margaret we get "a flower life"--some small flower poems and an invitation to collaborate at Reflections on the Teche.

Linda has not fireworks but fireFLIES!  Visit her at TeacherDance.

At Radio, Rhythm and Rhyme Matt treats us to an original, "American Discontent."

*At this point I take a break and head out to our neighborhood 4th of July bike parade--probably the last year that said 11yo will want to decorate his bike and ride with the littles!  More later...*

As France and Germany battle on the World Cup soccer field, we return to our PF offerings:

Our new friend Carol has a tribute to Walter Dean Myers, who passed away this week, at Beyond LiteracyLink.

Jone has a truly national(istic) poem from Ralph Waldo Emerson at Check It Out today.

Jeannine visit with a link to reviews of two verse novels for teens at her blog Views from a Window Seat.

From Sylvia Vardell at Poetry for Children we have a list of poetry books perfect for this time of year, from her Poetry Teacher's Book of Lists.

Lorie Ann Grover joins us from On Point with an energetic haiku called "Santorini Echo," and at ReaderTotz Maya Angelou is featured singing on Sesame Street.  I think Maya and Walter might be meeting up today, somewhere out there.  Kings' Cross Station?  (I hope that doesn't sound sacrilegious; I mean it with great and fond respect for many literary traditions.)

Finally for this afternoon, Karen joins us with a lovely, refreshing (maybe even sexy?) poem from Helen Hay Whitney called "My Brook."

*If there are more Independence Day posters I'll round them up between 5 and 6, and then we all have to get that best vantage point for this evening's fireworks!!*

My apologies to Jeff Barger, whose link I missed but who joined us late with a spider poem at NC Teacher Stuff.

Thanks to all who made Poetry Friday a part of their 4th of July...I look forward to reading more than just your comments this weekend!


  1. I have a poem that could have been written about my home town, Burlington, Colorado:

  2. Thanks for opening early, Heidi. I'm in with a glorious poem, "Fireworks," by one of my very favorite poets, Rebecca Kai Dotlich. Happy Fourth of July, and thanks for hosting!

  3. Hi Heidi. Thanks so much for hosting on this July 4th holiday! (Happy Independence Day to you!) On Today's Little Ditty I have a spotlight interview with Tamera Will Wissinger and our new ditty challenge for July.

  4. Happy Independence Day! At Random Noodling I have a Sketchbook Project poem, "American Bambina."

    Kurious Kitty is not doing P.F. this week, at KK's Kwotes, there is Poetry Friday quote from Eugenio Montale.

  5. Happy Independence Day, Heidi! Thank you for hosting the poetry fireworks.

    I found some owl feathers the other day, which brought to mind a lovely owl poem from Amy Ludwig Vanderwater's FOREST HAS A SONG. Amy's poem, a tribute to my favorite professor, and more about owls, featured at Author Amok today.

  6. Thanks for hosting on Fourth of July! I'm sharing "Fireworks" by one of my favorite poets, Valerie Worth.

  7. Happy 4th, Heidi! Over at the Drift Record, I'm wondering about picnics and abundance and beaches and grandparents and explosions in the distance - all this because I posted the lyrics and music for America the Beautiful. The link is

  8. Hello there Heidi! Thank you so much for hosting on the 4th of July. In keeping with Independence Day, I have "Emma's Poem: The Voice of the Statue of Liberty" up on GatheringBooks today. It's the story of how “The New Colossus” was born and became a symbol of all that the Mother of Exiles stood for.

    Here's the link:

    Happy 4th of July!

  9. Hi Heidi! Thanks for hosting :-) I am back from the beach with a poem called The Solipsist by Troy Jollimore:

  10. I am Bee dazzled by Julie's poem! Thank you for sharing, Heidi, and for rounding up. I don't have a post today but am excited to catch up with those who do on this fine Independence day. xo

  11. Hi Heidi! Thanks for hosting today. I have a few unwanted haiku to share.

  12. Thanks for hosting today, Heidi, and opening with Julie's fun poem. I have a July 4th. poem that (I think)offers a different view of the day:

  13. Happy Fourth! Love the word play with Bee.

    I have some small flower poems and an invitation to poets to collaborate on a poem video.

    Thanks for hosting.

  14. Hi Heidi, thank you for hosting on this special day! I have a post about fireflies, our own nature's fireworks! I am "bee smirched". Have bees at my school, will pass this along!

  15. Love that poem you shared, Heidi! Wordplay at its finest. Today I have a short, unpolished poem I thought would be appropriate for today:

    Thanks for hosting, and have a great Independence Day!

  16. Heidi, I was touched by the loss of Walter Dean Myers who was a favorite author of mine so I used one of his poems, "Summer", as a mentor text to create an original poem about summer days. Thank you for hosting Poetry Friday this week. You can find my piece at

  17. Thank you for hosting today. What a fabulous poem for today. Here's mine:

  18. Heidi, your choice of poetry for the Independence Day Poetry Friday Round-up was not bee fuddled but a bee-utiful choice.

  19. Heidi, thank you for the terrific poem and for hosting on a busy day of a busy weekend. I wrote about two new verse novels, A Time to Dance and Caminar at:

  20. A dazzling poem inbeed... I mean, deed. Thanks for sharing it, Heidi. :)

  21. Happy 4th to you, Heidi, and thanks for hosting! I have a bib of poetry for the 4th on my blog today:

  22. Oh, I love Julie and her voice. Thank you for sharing. And hosting today! Happy 4th!

    At On Point I have my haiku titled Santorini Echo.

  23. And at readertotz we have Maya Angelou singing on Sesame Street.

    Thank you!

  24. Love Julie's poem! That's great, and so fun.

    Thanks for hosting! I'm in with Helen Hay Whitney, here.

  25. Found a great poem, The Spider, to teach point of view and patience, both of which I could use:

  26. Happy weekend, everyone!

    I posted a piece of Lisa Schroeder's book The Bridge from Me to You at my blog, Bildungsroman:


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!