
Friday, December 19, 2014

roots of darkness

Is it my imagination, or does this December feel even darker than usual?  Perhaps I am listening too much to NPR news and too little to Amahl and the Night Visitors as I attempt to bake enough to feel that things are properly festive.  Or perhaps, like so many of my pangs and twangs, it's a function of age, and I should let this fullness come.
Solstice Chant | Annie Finch

Vines, leaves, roots of darkness, growing,
now you are uncurled and cover our eyes
with the edge of winter sky
leaning over us in icy stars.
Vines, leaves, roots of darkness, growing,
come with your seasons, your fullness, your end. 

    Wishing you and yours a bright and warm Solstice season....step into the pool of light that is Poetry Friday over at Buffy's Blog today.


  1. I think this year does feel darker--time to turn off the radio and enjoy the weak winter light. Thanks for sharing this Solstice Chant!

  2. Oh wow - what a great chant and the graphic to go with it. Definitely a lot of dark news lately, and perhaps that makes it feel even darker.
    Buffy's gathering up of light today is especially welcome!
    Happy Solstice-ing, baking and holiday-ing to you and yours.

  3. As I awake once again in darkness, I feel the truth of your statement. The vines of winter wrapping around us is an interesting and almost foreboding image. Happy Solstice!

  4. We had a week of rain here and, yes, it's been a dark December.
    What an apropos poem you have here. I'm hoping that under the leaves there are some blossoms starting to develop. (The only thing I asked my daughter for for Christmas is a bag of hyacinth bulbs so I can force spring!)

  5. Yes! I have felt that too - the darkness feels very strong this year. Thanks for the poem.

  6. Definitely a dark end-of-year.

    Light an extra candle for me -- Happy Solstice! Hope the Kachinas were good to you!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!