
Sunday, March 8, 2015!

So, let's take stock of the riCHes shared during the first week of the MarCH CHallenge, an introduction to whiCH you can read here.  These were our words for March 2-6, along with a summary of contributions (not counting my own).

march - 6 poems contributed on two meanings of m/March
stretch - 5 poems contributed on the stretching of various human, animal and plant parts
twitch -   6 poems contributed on the twitching of fingers, weather calls, tummy bugs  and tails
punch -  again 6 poems contributed with punches of sun, wind, storms and of course, brothers
fetch -  5 poems contributed with dogs, dogs, dogs and one old lady

That's a total of 28 poems so far, and with my own 4 originals (I'm not counting my previously published ones) we've hit 32 new poems already in March! (And for those interested, dogs are winning withwith 6 poems, cats in second with  2 poems, 1 for the birds, 1 for rabbit, 1 for squirrel--and Don Ho scores one too (scroll to the bottom)!

Our poets include (in alphabetical order by first name, as is the wont of kindergarten teachers): Carol Varsalona, Charles Waters, Diane Mayr, Donna Smith, Jone Rush MacCulloch, Joy Acey,  Mary Lee Hahn, Matt Forrest Esenwine,  and Robyn Hood Black.  Mary Lee, Joy, Donna, Diane and Charles wrote every day last week--huzzah!!!

I won't be able to round up your contributions as easily this week--I'm quite sure we will have fewer than THREE snow days--so please read the comments to enjoy others' efforts.

And finally, huge apologies to Charles, whose terrifically immediate piece was left out of Wednesday's post, and to Joy, whose jump rope rhyme was left out of Thursday's.

Clothes doused in perspiration,
Right leg twitching like an
Over caffeinated squirrel,
Steady hums of monotone murmurs
Surround me, until my name,
Clear as a Wyoming sky, is called;
Lumbering toward the podium,
Clasping crumbled pages,
I look out, swallow,
Whisper out the words …
“Good morning.”

(c) Charles Waters 2015 all rights reserved.

Jump with Me
Ice cream soda,
Delaware punch
won't you be my
own honey bunch?

If you love me
here's what to do,
come jump with me
one and two.

1 comment:

  1. Here's mine for Fetch:


    on sunny days the dog
    and I race
    to the park a few blocks

    I throw a ratty tennis ball.
    he fetches
    until the slobber slimed ball
    is dropped
    at my feet. His tongue hangs
    out tired.

    (c)Jone Rush MacCulloch, 2015


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!