
Monday, March 2, 2015


Microsoft Clip Art
Yes, we must begin the official poem-per-weekday with the word that started it all:  marCH.


Several folks have joined the parade!  Thanks to Diane...

Birthday Girl

At one of my first jobs
I met a girl whose birthday
was March 4. She proudly
told me, "My birthday
is the only one that is
a command!" I'll always
remember her birthday--her
name? That's another story.

--Diane Mayr

And to Donna...

Ma Nature’s spring -
Arch of birch,
"Rah!” and “Ah!” - cheers and whispered sighs for the
Charm of a sweet, soft, “No
Harm” breeze.

--Donna Smith

Thanks to Joy...

In March daffodils
bloom and bow upon the hill
faces in the wind

--Joy Acey

and to Carol...

why do you roar in the wake of white?
Choose crystal flakes with a snappy bite?
Linger in snow of inches deep?
Don't let yellow daffodils peep?

why did you march in today
with heavy snow marking your way?
Let Mother Nature take a bite
and chilling temperatures escort daylight?

Long Island,
I came today to fool the crowd
and stir the pot with a voice real loud.
I chose to enter in a crown of white,
not thinking it would bring a fright.
Ask me to stay for just awhile.
I promise I'll exit with a smile.

--Carol Varsalona 2015

Thanks to Mary Lee...


March swoops in low
on the wings of a crow

caw caw cawing
at a hawk.

March flashes red --
cardinal's head

in a bold show
contrasting the snow.

March sings, when
at the feeder, wren

points joy to the sky,
lets notes fly.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2015

and to Charles!  Follow his link and all the others to see where these poems are coming from...

As I’m marching down Snowbank Hill
Crunching on filigrees
I looked upon the watermill,
Frozen by winters chill
Shivering next to stripped down trees.
I know it won’t be long until
Temperatures warm up, yes they will –
For now, I dream of summer’s breeze.

(c) Charles Waters 2015 all rights reserved.


  1. Birthday Girl

    At one of my first jobs
    I met a girl whose birthday
    was March 4. She proudly
    told me, "My birthday
    is the only one that is
    a command!" I'll always
    remember her birthday--her
    name? That's another story.

    A true story! It fits with your marching poem, Heidi. Let's all march forth together into the land of verse!

  2. Here it is - an acrostic with first word FROM the word MARCH too.
    Ma Nature’s spring -
    Arch of birch,
    "Rah!” and “Ah!” - cheers and whispered sighs for the
    Charm of a sweet, soft, “No
    Harm” breeze.

  3. I knew a girl in college named June March. Her parents let her pick her middle name. She chose April.
    (At least I think that's how the story goes.) Is a picture book developing here, Diane?

    Donna, that's a roaring start! Arch, birch, cheers, harm...and CHarm, the opposite of March! I like the cheers and whispered sighs. (P.S. No kidding--I have a little one in my class this year called Charm.)

    Thanks for playing!

  4. In March daffodils
    bloom and bow upon the hill
    faces in the wind

    A haiku to start your challenge.ERONGO

  5. Heidi, I am ready to link up my MarCH poem with your MarCH Ch-Ch-Challenge, as Diane calls it so let my offering join your parade.

  6. Love the offerings so far for the MarCH challenge. Thank you for offering this one to all of us.

  7. I'm putting the text of Carol's March poem here--it needs to be seen!

    why do you roar in the wake of white?
    Choose crystal flakes with a snappy bite?
    Linger in snow of inches deep?
    Don't let yellow daffodils peep?

    why did you march in today
    with heavy snow marking your way?
    Let Mother Nature take a bite
    and chilling temperatures escort daylight?

    Long Island,
    I came today to fool the crowd
    and stir the pot with a voice real loud.
    I chose to enter in a crown of white,
    not thinking it would bring a fright.
    Ask me to stay for just awhile.
    I promise I'll exit with a smile.

    Carol Varsalona 2015
    all rights reserved

  8. Mine is here

    And here:


    March swoops in low
    on the wings of a crow

    caw caw cawing
    at a hawk.

    March flashes red --
    cardinal's head

    in a bold show
    contrasting the snow.

    March sings, when
    at the feeder, wren

    points joy to the sky,
    lets notes fly.

    ©Mary Lee Hahn, 2015


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!