
Wednesday, March 4, 2015


It's March 4th and we march forth with today's word, "twitCH."  Which twitch are you writing about today?

A Knotty Problem

When she’s learning to tie her shoes,
crossing and 
looping and 
wrapping the laces,
the slightest twitch
of a nervous thumb
can cause a beginner to lose 
her places!

HM 2015
all rights reserved

Donna's twitch is more internal than external...

Twitch of Sick

When I awoke this morning, I was feeling pretty low
and then I knew just where it was I really had to go -

The supper last night was a feast and tasted most delish;
no doubt, it was, when it went in a meal that was nutrish.

In my belly plans were changed, a new itinerary:
stop at tummy, turn around, a U-turn’s necessary.

I almost made it all the way I raced to lift the lid;
“Sorry, mom, I know I missed, I’m just a little kid.”

- a kid who has a not so funny, rumbly tummy twitch;
a twitch perhaps is not the word - a gastrointestinal glitch?  

--Donna Smith

Big apologies to Charles (whose title threw me WAAAY off and whose poem I missed--his twitches are internal but social  rather than viral:

Clothes doused in perspiration,
Right leg twitching like an
Over caffeinated squirrel,
Steady hums of monotone murmurs
Surround me, until my name,
Clear as a Wyoming sky, is called;
Lumbering toward the podium,
Clasping crumbled pages,
I look out, swallow,
Whisper out the words …
“Good morning.”

(c) Charles Waters 2015 all rights reserved.

Mary Lee's and Diane's twitches are distinctly feline...


Cat at the window
silent and still
squirrel on the porch
oblivious until...

twitch goes the tail,
smack goes the paw,
zoom goes the squirrel
now crossing the lawn.

©Mary Lee Hahn 

Indoor Cat

The chubby
cat's frame twitches
as she sleeps.
Sparrows taunt her
even in slumber.
Maybe my cat
sleeps twenty hours
a day because in
her dreams she
always comes in
for the kill.

--Diane Mayr 

And Laura Shovan's is clearly canine (bonus points for including itCH and scratCH too)...

Roll Over

My dog’s furry belly is pointing at the sky.
He wants me to scratch him. He wants me to try
to find the itchy spot that always makes him kick
and twitch, until he turns legs down
to thank me with a lick.  
Joy Acey brings us leporine (had to to look that up) twitches in her haiku--wish it felt so springy here!

Rabbit's whiskers twitch
over the fresh garden herbs
it's his spring dinne

And Carol Varsalona captures perfectly tonight's big ??? about tomorrow's weather (which turned out to be "closed.") 

Which Will It Be?

The itchy, twitchy feeling
begins to swell.
I know it well.
People squirm
as weathermen tell.
Rain, snow, ice
Roll of the dice.
Which will it be?
Tomorrow we'll see.  
Leave your poem in the comments, or send me an email by clicking the link at right.


  1. When I awoke this morning, I was feeling pretty low
    and then I knew just where it was I really had to go -

    The supper last night was a feast and tasted most delish;
    no doubt, it was, when it went in a meal that was nutrish.

    In my belly plans were changed, a new itinerary:
    stop at tummy, turn around, a U-turn’s necessary.

    I almost made it all the way I raced to lift the lid;
    “Sorry, mom, I know I missed, I’m just a little kid.”

    - a kid who has a not so funny, rumbly tummy twitch;
    a twitch perhaps is not the word - a gastrointestinal glitch?

  2. My poem is here and here:


    Cat at the window
    silent and still
    squirrel on the porch
    oblivious until...

    twitch goes the tail,
    smack goes the paw,
    zoom goes the squirrel
    now crossing the lawn.

    ©Mary Lee Hahn

  3. Wow, you guys are managing to be both faithful and full of great ideas! Thank you!

  4. OMG! Mary Lee and I are definitely cat people! Here's mine:

    Indoor Cat

    The chubby
    cat's frame twitches
    as she sleeps.
    Sparrows taunt her
    even in slumber.
    Maybe my cat
    sleeps twenty hours
    a day because in
    her dreams she
    always comes in
    for the kill.

  5. Hi, Heidi! Thanks for this project. I'm going to try to jump in every once in a while.

    Roll Over

    My dog’s furry belly is pointing at the sky.
    He wants me to scratch him. He wants me to try
    to find the itchy spot that always makes him kick
    and twitch, until he turns legs down
    to thank me with a lick.

  6. Rabbit's whiskers twitch
    over the fresh garden herbs
    eating Easter dinner

    I'm here again with another Spring haiku. Thanks for the fun.

  7. Hi, Heidi, I have a twist on the word twitch. I incorporated my poem into my blog post that concentrates on winter as I know it, potholes, snow, water puddles, and ice mounds.

    Which Will It Be?

    The itchy, twitchy feeling
    begins to swell.
    I know it well.
    People squirm
    as weathermen tell.
    Rain, snow, ice
    Roll of the dice.
    Which will it be?
    Tomorrow we'll see.

  8. Love that, Carol. I woke up at 4 -- nothing had started yet. I know that twitchy, waiting feeling.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!