
Friday, May 29, 2015

buckle up

simulated daughter on closed course
If the Motor Vehicle Administration had been open on January 1, my little April Fool would have been there at 8am sharp to get her learner's permit.  As it was, she had to wait until she was 15 years 9 months and 1 day old.  Driving practice has been going well since January 2nd--short jaunts on neighborhood roads two or three times a week with one or the other parent.

But Memorial Day Weekend is traditionally one for family outings.  Ours took us around the DC metro area beltway--famous for requiring nerves of steel when it's flowing smoothly and the patience of Job the other 495% of the time.


While 16 drives
12 tells me he has
he can see the holes
in the hub caps spnning
at 60 MPH
and what does SPF stand for?
16 holds steady,
only a few wobbles within her lane.
Nearly 50 is coaching her
and I--51--I'm wobbling
a little too in the backseat,
letting go, holding nothing
but a slippery pink glitter gel pen
she doesn't use anymore.

HM 2015
all rights reserved

The Poetry Friday round-up today is at Reflections on the Teche with Margaret, who must be celebrating the end of another satisfying year of teaching.  Cruise on over and enjoy the poetry scenery!


  1. I can relate to 16 -- I was at our small town DMV at 8 am on the morning of my 16th to get my license. I dropped mom at home and zipped confidently off to school in the '60 Ford Falcon. I remember being surprised that I, myself, became a little wobbly once I had gotten what I wanted and was on my own. And this in a tiny town, not a metro area! Nerves of steel to both you 50's AND to 16, when she's licensed and alone.

  2. You pack a lot of emotion in this poem, Heidi. I felt that pang at the end. Hats off to Daisy (and the rest of you!) for handling a beltway drive with aplomb.

  3. "Letting go." Experiencing that myself these days! I love the poem!

  4. I love how you placed us all right there in the seat next to you. I've been there, done that. And all too happy to never have to do it again!

  5. There is so much to love about this poem, Heidi! The title and those last lines in particular. Wishing you, 50, and 16 well over the next few months. As Margaret said, I'm so happy I don't have to go through teenage drivers again!

  6. Late to this post, but just had to tell you how much I LOVE this poem, Heidi. My 15 is taking his learners permit test this summer, but truth be told, I'm dreading the next step.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!