
Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Image result for every brilliant thing 
Browsing around today I came across Irene's list of little things to be grateful for.  June has been a hard month, in a #firstworldproblems kind of way, but as Irene says, "Nothing like a little gratitude to pull one from a funk, right?"  So I'm taking antifunk action with this list of 30 brilliant things that have visited me in June:

1 rabbit rabbit
2 lentil soup by the case
3 my son cooking pasta
4 taking political action
5  Squeals on Wheels
tomato blossoms
7  a compliment from my daughter
8  flip-flops
9  digital everything
10 Kindergarten End of Year Program
11 blowing bubbles
12 poppin tags at the Goodwill
13 Pride
14 floaty summer dresses
15 kind colleagues
16 my parents
17 the beach
18 knowing the answer
19 laughing till you wet your pants
20 Chesapeake Bay Bridge
21 The 14th Annual Summer Solstice Picnic
22 cardboard boxes
23 nectarines
24 k.d. lang
25 when good sense prevails
26 when love wins
27 donation pick-up trucks
28 my minister
29 bumblebees on the "weed" flowers
30 US Women's Soccer team  

It was harder to choose than to think of things.  That's my first brilliant thing for July.


  1. Great list, Heidi! This morning I was adding to our "good things jar" which we keep every year and read at New Year's. We only add a small fraction of the good things that happen to the jar, but it still takes a lot time to read :-)

    1. Tabatha, I love this idea (and why did I never think of it before?)! Heading off to make a jar for us too. : )

  2. Happy July! Happy collecting happinesses -- when I look back at my "fish" caught each day of the school year last year, those small happinesses warm me again.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!