
Thursday, August 25, 2016

poetry friday round-up: open house

Yes, indeed, friends--my house is open!  Today at 1:30 pm children and their families will surge in around the lists posted in the foyer of the school to see who has which teacher, and then the new 2nd graders will surge up the stairs to the 2nd floor for the first time to find their new classrooms, and then 16 of them will surge through my door looking for a new home away from home.  I hope they find it, and I hope you will also find a home away from home here today in this community, in a poem someone has posted.  I almost always find something just right!

Three Little Birds
(a mindful breathing practice)

Criss cross. Sit straight.
Hands out. Reach and gather.
Gently scoop it to your belly.
Hold it there for 1, 2, 3
feathered seconds.
Its bones are hollow,
its eyes are bright.

Now lift. Lift it up
with gentle hands
and let it fly lightly away
taking your breath
along with it.

Reach again and scoop
a second one.  Don't worry
about a thing.
Hold it, counting 1, 2, 3,
and then let it fly.

Once more, a third little bird,
reach and gather, hold it
to your belly.
Hear a melody pure and true,
and let this one fly too.

draft (c) HM 2016
with thanks to Bob Marley

I won't be available to do any rounding-up until much later today, but the link-up will automate us and I look forward to reading your posts as I get a chance over the weekend!


  1. Thank you for hosting, Heidi! My kids go back to school again in a few weeks. I hope they find homes, too.

  2. Thanks for hosting, Heidi! Those kids who burst through your door are lucky ducks indeed! :)

  3. Very lucky, as Renee says! I know you all will have a splendid, poetry-enriched year. :0)
    Many thanks for hosting on a busy day/weekend.

  4. What a wonderful way to open your poetry house! I love it. And, I'm sure the visit will be home to many. Gosh, did you bring back the thrill of finding out who your teacher is! Oh, the immense possibility before knowing for sure it's who you are hoping for. That is a lifetime memory....and worthy of a poem, I think.
    Have a great start to your school year and I hope you get the exact 16 perfect matches you've been hoping for too.

  5. Have a great school year, Heidi and second graders! I think your poem is perfect and, even before I saw the reference to Bob Marley, I was singing! Here's a version from Playing for Change that makes me happy:

    1. I love this, Diane! Playing For Change is just wonderful!

  6. Oh, this is so lovely. I want to be in your class. Thank you for hosting us as you host your new little ones for the first time today. xxx

  7. My oldest granddaughter just started second grade, would love to be one of those "little birds" who fly up to your class, Heidi. Thank you for hosting at this busy time.

  8. Hi, Heidi. I can't wait to hear all about how orientation went. In your poem, admiring the way the title is enough to connect your original words to Bob Marley's lyrics. It sounds like a wonderful mindfulness practice to share with your new second graders.

    My Poetry Friday post is another novel and poem pairing. This time, it's Yeats' "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" with Rebecca Podos' atmospheric YA, THE MYSTERY OF HOLLOW PLACES.

  9. Thanks for hosting, Heidi, and enjoy your time in class! My son doesn't start 1st grade until next week, but he's been eager all summer!

    1. Oops, I hit publish before I mentioned that I liked your poem because of its mindfulness approach; my wife has been meditating and practicing mindfulness for years and has just introduced me to it, and so I've submitted a proposal for a workshop on using mindfulness to help write poetry at our local SCBWI conference next spring...hoping the organizers like the idea!

  10. Your poem is beautiful, Heidi! So serene. Just what I need to end this week and celebrate the weekend. And an open house - oh, what fun! Have an amazing school year, Heidi! =)

  11. I have no doubt those 16 children will find the home away from home they are looking for, and probably much more. Thank you for giving so much of yourself and your creativity to these young souls, Heidi. And thank you for hosting today, too!

  12. "Reach and gather" - exactly what you will be doing with those 16 second grade souls and all of us on Poetry Friday! Thanks for hosting and happy "new" year to you! =)

  13. Happy start of school, Heidi--those lucky kids in your classroom. I'd like to be scooping and letting birds fly with you!

  14. Thanks so much for hosting, Heidi! Enjoy those second-graders--as I'm sure they will you! (Lovely poem for settling little ones -- and big ones -- down.)

  15. What a beautiful poem, Heidi. Such fragility; feathered seconds, hollow bones, taking your breath with it... Such a light and lovely touch. Enjoy your new little family. I'm sure they'll soon feel right at home, and soar with you.

  16. Heidi, thank you for hosting PF and greeting us with a delightful poem that reminds me of yoga class today. Breathing is a popular technique both inside and outside the yoga studio to calm the mind and open channels of creativity. I am offering a poem and the sharing of the 2016 Poem Swap.

  17. I got a poster with three little birds on it for Ariana a while back; I think she took it to college with her. Such a reassuring song (and poem!). Sounds like you are ready for your class. Hope you have a great start!

  18. I am loving those three little birds, Heidi, and what lucky 2nd grades to be part of your juicy little universe. xo

  19. Ah, this is lovely, Heidi - a gentle and loving start to a wonderful new school year. Thanks for hosting today!

  20. I love this poem and the serenity of those feathered seconds and gentle hands. Enjoy your Open House. It's lovely to know that there are lucky students being welcomed today into your wonderful classroom home.

  21. Heidi,

    Thanks for doing the roundup this week. I hope you have a great teaching year. I taught second grade for many loved it! Sixteen students! I never had a class that small. It sounds wonderful.

  22. Welcoming your 2nd graders and hosting! Thank you! Like Amy, I want to be in your class.

  23. Rats. Too late for the party. Here's mine though:

  24. Thank you for hosting! Hope your Open House went well!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!