
Friday, September 16, 2016

OISG returns!

Strange how you can realize after the fact that something was missing, without realizing it at the time...last year in Second Grade, much was overheard, but not much of it made me laugh.  This year will be different, let me tell you!

"Overheard in Second Grade" (OISG) is supposed to be Tuesday feature, but here we are kicking off on a Friday this year.  The concept is that I share a quote from a 7-year-old and then use it as a writing prompt, which is how many of my poems come to be anyway.  All names are aliases to protect the privacy of my students (and you can forget right now what I said about all the angels two weeks ago), but the words are as verbatim as I can make them.

So....yesterday I'm doing a reading assessment with my student Latham using a book called "A Huge Mess"  (also an alias so that I don't violate any test security regulations geez).  I say the required intro--"This book is about a kid called Charlie who has a little trouble taking care of his things," and then I always add (probably in violation of testing protocol),

 "Is there anyone like that in your family?"

Latham pins me with his big brown eyes and says,

"Yes, and you probably know who it is, 'cause you're lookin' right at him!"


You Probably Know Who It Is

Is there anyone here who
can never find a pencil?
     Yep--and you're lookin' right at him...

Is there anyone here who
spills her juice every day?
     Uh-huh--and you're lookin' right at her...

Are there any kids here who
leave their jackets on the playground?
     Oh yeah--and you're lookin' right at 'em...

Here we all are
searching,  wiping,  fetching--
and lookin' right back
at you!

draft (c) Heidi Mordhorst 2016

The Poetry Friday Round-Up today is with Michelle at Today's Little Ditty.  Go eavesdrop on all the interesting poetry chat!


  1. I love it. I'm sure you managed to keep a straight face, right?!

  2. Guilty as charged! I love the pseudonym you chose. :-)

  3. Utterly charming, Heidi! Looking forward to more OISG poetry from you and your angels-who-are-not-quite-angels-but-are-loved-nonetheless.

  4. The wit and wisdom of little ones never ceases to amaze and inspire me. :)

  5. Oh, I so wish I'd written more down when I was teaching! I'm looking forward to OISG...ISR (I Shall Return).

  6. Commit it all to poetry and it will live on. Thanks for bringing OISG back!

  7. You nailed it. It's a wonder we get any teaching done with all that searching, wiping, and fetching.

  8. What a great idea for poetry prompts. Love this fun poem.

  9. My youngest is in 2d grade this year, and she has some humdingers, too. I look forward to more from this series.

  10. Sounds like some fifth graders I know!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!