
Saturday, April 1, 2017

let the wild rumpus begin! 2017 Progressive Poem starts here

Greetings to all and Happy National Poetry Month!

I have many reasons to love April, the very first being that, back in 1999, when offered a choice of birthdays for my overbaked bun in the oven, I selected April Fool's Day. (My thinking was that if you could choose April Fool's Day, then whyever would you prefer boring old March 31 or April 2?)

A quick calculation reveals that said bun turns 18 this year, is a senior in high school, and has been living in the throes of college application season for months now. (All results are in now; looks like she'll be able to go somewhere--phew.)

My Little April Fool is definitely no longer a child, and also not grown up exactly, but even so she has inspired the first line of our Progressive Poem for kids this year, which Irene so generously invited me to kick off.  (I believe that without being told as much, Irene knew that I needed some practice sending things unaccompanied out into the world.)

So here we go, with a line designed to speak to an audience of kids in the throes of any fever, spring or otherwise...let's keep it real, folks!


        I'm fidget, friction, ragged edges--

And now it's on to my mate Tabatha up the road for Line 2.  I've given her a headstart by posting a little early, with Irene's blessing.  Let the wild rumpus begin!*

*Yes, I know that I'm misquoting Maurice here, but I have always felt that the word "start" in this line constitutes a missed rhythmic opportunity that I can't help but fix with "begin."  Apologies for wearing my poetic wolf suit.


  1. So exciting!! Oh my goodness! I'm all in a dither!

  2. SO. MUCH. ENERGY. in this line! Thank you, Heidi! And congrats to your girl, who has a place to go.... such and exciting time of life for child AND parent. You wear the wolf suit well! xo

  3. Oh, how fun. I love that word fidget. Such a good start for this time of year! My mind is bubbling with imagery. Can't wait for my turn on the 15th. :-)

    Congrats to your Lovely Fledgling, about to fly free! And to the mommy swallow, circling and protecting!

  4. Oh, the college application stress is no fun at all, glad to hear it looks like she has a place lined up! I certainly don't miss those days at all!!!!

    And yeah...I've been known to change the words in rhyming picture books when reading them aloud if the rhythm doesn't feel right! ;-)

  5. Well, this is plain FUN to read aloud! Way to kick it off, Mama! We're in the same boat as you....crazy and exciting times indeed! :) xx

  6. ooooo, GREAT first line, Heidi! And we're off!

  7. Great start, Heidi. Happy birthday to D-bun! I can't wait to hear more about her plans.

  8. I love that first line. And as my daughter went through that whole college application and decision process last year (and is happily making a place for herself at college this year), it is so apt. Congratulations to your daughter and to you for supporting her this far. It's actually been a very good experience for us watching our girl spread her wings. It doesn't hurt that she also calls me nearly every day just to chat.

  9. What a great start, Heidi!!! Looking forward to seeing where this goes. I'm quite sure your daughter will go far no matter where she goes. :)

  10. Congratulations to your daughter! I love the idea of having an April Fool birthday. Wonderful start, show you know children well!

  11. Great start to the poem! And congratulations to your daughter, and to you. I found the whole college application process to be pretty horrid, and it was such a relief when my daughter made a decision!

  12. Argh! It's started! What a fun, fidgety and raw beginning! Love it. This could be the start of something big!

    The Scavenger Hunt poem is up today on my blog. I'd taken part of your ode to create a found poem.

    1. I did see that, Donna--thanks for the compliment! I'll stop by later to take up the challenge. Glad everyone likes Line One!

  13. What a perfect line! You were perfect for day 1. And I'm sure your little April Fool was/is perfect, too.

  14. You've perfectly described half of all high school seniors with that one line, Heidi - nicely done!

  15. Fun!
    My eye catches ragged in the 2017 progressive poem for kids first line
    & thinks of the Raggedy Ann doll our h.s. senior/college freshman
    left here. Appreciations for your starting us off in such a beguiling way, Heidi.

    Wishing your freshman a super senior year & not a fidgety frosh time come the fall.
    Our college gal loved it so much, she's now just back in for 1st year of grad school.
    The joy goes on and on....

  16. Happy Birthday! April Fools!
    Ha! Sorry, couldn't resist :D
    On a less foolish note...good luck to her.

    Thanks for that amazing first line to start things off. I love it.

  17. What a fun start! Belated birthday wishes to Bun and Mum (you did all the work that day).

  18. You know I'm all about the deckle edges.... Great start, Heidi! And happy wishes all around for your household. :0)

  19. A fun thing to be able to pick your daughter's birthday-Happy Birthday to her. My daughter is beginning to look at colleges, she's a Junior in HS, and my son just a week ago finished college, Hooray! Love the poetry line your started us with!

  20. I love that she's your Little April Fool, Heidi ~ and congrats that she's college-bound somewhere--what a great adventure stretches out in front of her!

    I love your sentence: the sound of each word and its rhythm. What a gift, this first poetic line you've thrown to the winds!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!