
Friday, April 21, 2017

npm17: 1+5+16+42 = infinity

1 teacher + 5 mentor poems for two voices +16 second-graders + 142 days of school = infinitely intriguing poems by 7-8's!

Dog and Cat in the Park
      by Melvin A.R.

Hi! Let’s go play
in the park, or on the
monkey bars,

So first, we’ll do what I want,

but if you don’t do
what I want,

then we can play everything
we want.

Oh, let’s play tag,
We can make a map
of the park,

and then we’ll do what I want,

and you don’t do
what I want,

then we can play everything
we want.


Yellow and Pink in Color Land
            by Nathan Z.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
yellow so bright

see me in the night

see me shine like a star

see ME so majestic

I think I’m brighter

pink in the morning

see ME so bright

see me brighting up the morning

     I think I’m brighter


                               Jacob and the Moon on the Moon
     by Jacob L-M.

Moon, are you made
out of cheese?

Can I eat you?

Maybe we can have a
snack together?

No, I don’t think so.

Yay! Mmm! Is this
New Zealand cheddar?


Yes certainly!

No! You cannot eat me!

Why yes!  Did you bring any

Well, I have no choice.
We can have my cheese.

Of course!  Do you like it?

I’m glad!


Soccer Ball and Kid on the Soccer Field
                     by Kelly M.

Kick me kick me
I am a
big soccer ball
so kick me

If you do
I will give you
a goal!!!

Okay I will
kick you but
first let me
put my cleats on
then I will kick you

Here I go!!!


Wolf and Bird in the Forest-Woods
            by Joseph S.

I’m a wolf who howls
at the moon.

I live in a forest.  I jump high
and I eat birds.

Sometimes I go in
the dark and I
catch birds.


I’m a bird who flies
in the sky.

I like the sky.  I make sure
I look for food.  If I
get food I bring
it to my babies.

And I need to get out
of here!

                              Ms. Mordhorst and Students in School
            by Roselyn H.

Dear Students

I hug you up

Oh yes, I do,

I don’t mind at all
oh no I don’t

I hug you up with love
happy wishes to you

The round-up today is with Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference.  Let's have some poetry conversations!

Dear Ms. Mordhorst

with every piece
and with all your heart

Oh do you?
Oh  how nice

Oh I hope you don’t

we do too!
we love you.


  1. "Yay! Mmm! Is this New Zealand cheddar?" LOVE this! On my way to Trader Joe's now, so will be looking for some. :-) Christie @

  2. Oh, what fun! I love "see me brighting up the morning," "I will give you a goal!!!" and "I need to get out of here!" I love the originality and creativity of these young voices. Thanks for sharing them!

  3. What a perfectly delightful equation! These poems rock! My favorite line is from the bird who needs to "get out of here" with the wolf.

  4. How sweet to hug you up with all your heart! Happy wishes to you, and cheese, and goals, and bright imaginations!

  5. These are wonderful, so much fun! They must be fun to act out with plenty of young enthusiasm. :-)

  6. I love seeing the verve kids bring to poetry. I must remember to add some more of that. Is it the pepper or the garlic?

  7. "I hug you up with love" ...and these poems, too!

  8. What a delight of two-voice poems! "I hug you up with love."

  9. Oh. Another new word. Cleats. I read it earlier in the PoetryFriday hop - and wondered then what it was. Now I'm guessing that they're what we call 'spikes'. :)

    These two-voice poems are such fun. You make me want to write one... (I think I will. :) )

    1. I did. I did! I just wrote my first poem in two voices, adding to the historical verse novel project I'm just teetering around the edges of - preparing to take the plunge! Thank-you for providing the inspiration. It was the perfect form for this momentous meeting of two groups.

  10. I really enjoyed these Heidi! I know I would love to hear your students read them :-)

  11. Oh, Heidi! These are wonderful. The voice in each is absolutely priceless. I really hope the parents of the wonderful kids get to see this collection. Gosh, what lucky kids....what a lucky teacher.... what synergy....what serendipity.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!