
Thursday, May 4, 2017

may bloghopper

In the merry merry month of May,

I will be a reader and a commenter while I pull together and revise my (not nearly daily) math poems.

I look forward to portrait poems, #wonderbreaks, crayon poems and Malvina singing it--and all the other April series that I missed.

And now, May the Fourth be with me as I hop forth!


  1. Oh, what a great image of this little guy! May the "fourth" continue to be with you throughout the month of May, Heidi!

  2. I hope you have a May the Fourth poem! :-) Good luck with your reading, hopping and number-masticating.

  3. Enjoy your mayhopping (great pic, BTW) and math poem revising!

  4. Enjoy rewriting and reading all the great poetry that abounded last month. Love that photo!

  5. Excited for math poems! Best of luck. Christie @

  6. Oh, now that song is in my head..."While strolling in the park one daaaaaay, in the merry merry month of Maaaaaay"! :)

  7. I like this idea of being a blog hopper. Thanks for hopping by mine. Do you have further plans for those math poems? Do tell!

  8. Heidi, what a yourself of time to continue on your work. I've enjoyed reading so much and producing new poems so much that I have NOT spent time going back for revision. You give me good ideas!

  9. Best wishes with your May plans, Heidi! I have been neither the reader nor commenter I have been in the past, as I've been so busy with kids and trying to fit my writing in. Enjoy this last month of spring!

  10. What a grand idea to circle back! Enjoy the many leaps forward on your math poems and back into NaPoWriMo.

  11. Good for you for taking the time to do what poets do best... whip that collection into shape, girl!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!