
Friday, November 10, 2017

all the shades of pride

We're pretty stubborn

 All hail the Democrats of Virginia and New Jersey!

Carl Sandburg has a sage comment that seems apropos to the moment, and which also includes boots--which regular readers may remember hold a special charm for me.  I especially must heed Granddad Carl's advice, as must Republicans.

Primer Lesson | Carl Sandburg  1922

Look out how you use proud words.
When you let proud words go, it is
        not easy to call them back.
They wear long boots, hard boots; they
        walk off proud; they can't hear you
Look out how you use proud words.

The round-up today is with Jama at Jama's Alphabet Soup, always a delicious dive into culiterary treats.  Yes, I just made that word up, and I think Carl will enjoy today's offering of coffee and donuts.

I'm attending next week!  Are you?  Let's get together!


  1. Yes, hooray for Virginia and New Jersey! Thanks for the bit of Sandburg this week, Heidi!

  2. I agree, hoorah, but also not time to shout too loudly.

  3. Now that's a lesson that is never out of date! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Yep. Make sure your words are sweet, because you may have to eat them.

  5. Still wise words! I hope for a time when we can move beyond partisanship and work together to find solutions.

  6. Yes, I like this too, Heidi. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Let's shout hooray and keep working.

    Can't wait to see you this weekend! Will you be at the Elementary Section Get Together?

  8. You all are going to have SUCH a grand time together! Thanks for the Sandburg wit and wisdom.

  9. Love the poem, heidi. Thanks for sharing.

  10. One person's proud word is another person's fighting word. We are a fractious species. I hope you have a great time at the conference.

  11. Thanks for sharing these wise words of Carl Sandburg's, he's a favorite of mine. I've been to his meager, early childhood home in Galesburg IL and enjoyed it. Enjoy the conference Heidi!

  12. Your poem affected life?! Yes, you can share your lovely poem and its great "after story" with the world... Submit now on


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