
Sunday, April 1, 2018

2 by 2 in 2nd grade: npm 2018 #1

It's National Poetry Month, Diamond Miners!  People all over the United States are celebrating poetry, poems and poets in April--and as you know, your teacher is a huge poetry fan!

I thought we could do something special this month as a class, so I invented a little project.  We're going to write a poem together this month, 2 words by 2 words.  

Each day one of us will get a turn to add two words, and we'll go around the class twice so that our poem will have (2 words x 15 people) x 2 turns =  _____ words in all.  Can you solve that?

I took the first turn on Sunday, April 1st, so we have some catching up to do...I hope you're ready!

love, Ms. Mordhorst

When we


  1. 2-by-2 sounds like a great plan. I think you're right about connecting words and 30 lines. Looking forward to following y'all's poem as it grows!

  2. I can't wait to see this grow!

  3. So fun! I can't wait to see where this goes. I love the bravery and the outright fun of just playing this poetry game together, in public. Love to you and your poets!

  4. Do you have a FOLLOW button for your blog? I can't seem to find it and I am loving it!

    1. Thanks, Paula—maybe it got pushed out by the Progressive Poem! I’ll tweet you when it’s fixed.

  5. What fun! Looking forward to following your poem as it grows!

  6. What a fabulous idea! Can't wait to see the results!

  7. Oops! We got engrossed in reading and voting on the Top Two in the March Madness Poetry Tournament and I forgot to get words from a student. We'll catch up tomorrow. : )


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!