
Monday, April 30, 2018

2 by 2 in 2nd grand finale!!! npm18 #30

Dear Diamond Miners,

TA-DA!!!  YOU HAVE DONE IT!  First, you can now check your answer to this equation by counting the words in our poem:

(15 poets x 2 words) x 2 turns = __________

Second, you have collaborated and cooperated for ONE WHOLE MONTH to write a poem about...collaboration!

Last, in your poem, you have chosen juicy and powerful words that sound good to our ears and feel good in our mouths.  These words fit together nicely, kind of like Lego blocks!

Today's ten words are brought to us by Kathy, Ines, Caleb, Arya and Tyler, who really wanted the ending (and did an excellent job).

You can be quite proud of yourselves, and I hope you enjoyed it! 

Ms. Mordhorst

P.S.  Blog visitors, the Diamond Miners love it when you leave comments directly for them. Thanks for all your encouragement!


Title TBD
    by the Diamond Miners
    April 2018

When we work

it feels fun 
difficult like Lego
feels like struggling 
frustration and figuring
to do. We
live like Legos,
pushing and building, 
pulling and flipping,
lifting and twisting.
We only have
listen to our
when we build
factories, stack together
day multicolored blocks
are very buildable.
All together!!!

Words have been added to this poem by these wordsmiths, in order:
Round 1   Round 2
Ms. M      Ms. M
Ziva         Henry
Eric          Elena*
Eldana     Patrick
Henry      Ziva
Kathy      Eldana
Ines          Max
Elena       Xavier
Sophia     Sophia
Patrick      Eric
Xavier      Kathy
Arya         Ines
Tyler        Caleb
Caleb      Arya
Max         Tyler


  1. Diamond Miners, you created a real GEM here! It sparkles with your energy and passion. I can tell from Ms. Mordhorst's comments that you had lots of FUN creating this poem. That was kind of the theme of my last poem. Our best work should also be our most fun. Three cheers (or maybe there should be 60, if I solved your equation correctly)!!

  2. I'm going to add my three cheers to Mary Lee's. (Or is that thirty, if we each do half?) Your poem is a delight. I think the Diamond Miners must do lots of great work together - and not just with poetry. I hope you continue to enjoy your word play, poetry and collaboration. You rock!

  3. Yippee! Great job working together to make a fantastic poem!

  4. I love, love, love your poem, Diamond Miners! You are the pieces who fit together to create beauty and fun! Thank you for sharing your writing with us.

  5. Diamond Miners, what fun! I love how you compared working together in your classroom to building with Legos. And your last line is perfect for this poem you created - "All together."

  6. Dear DMs! What a terrific team you are! And how clever you and Ms. Mordhorst are that your project combines math and words. My favorite part: "We/live like Legos," which immediately made me think about what it would be to shrink to the size of a Lego and live in that world. Thank you for transporting me with your words. <3, April Halprin Wayland

  7. Diamond Miners, congratulations to all of you. Your creativity and collaboration allowed you to build a great poem that towers like a Lego monument in your classroom. I like the repetition of the word together to close the poem making you last line a great ending.

  8. What a terrific poem Diamond Miners! I like your analogy/simile of working together with the fun and challenge of building with Legos. I also loved all the movement in your poem–
    "pushing and building,
    pulling and flipping,
    lifting and twisting."

    Doing a group project all together isn't always easy and you all really pulled it off swimmingly, thanks for your poetic journey!

  9. Hello students,
    I am curious if any of you are going to write your own poems now. And what you would say about what you learned from writing your own Progressive Poem. Congratulations for creating a poem that makes me think.

  10. What an achievement, Diamond Miners! Your poem is both fun and full of meaning. You worked together to create something, and that's an amazing thing!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!