
Thursday, November 15, 2018

live from #NCTE18

Greetings, all, from sunny Houston, to which I escaped so early Thursday morning that I journeyed unscathed by the surprise autumn snowstorm that CLOSED MY SCHOOL DISTRICT, in mid-November, no less!  I'm happy enough to be here at NCTE that I don't mind missing the snow day, but boy--the time spent on sub plans gone unused--THAT really stinks. :)

I was delighted to be presenting again this year as part of a session called Poetry in the Wild. My team included the greatly gifted teacher-poets Mary Lee Hahn and Margaret Simon, plus the greatly gifted poet-authors Irene Latham and Laura Purdie Salas, all well-known to you Poetry Friday regulars.

Our session went swimmingly with an extra surprise from Mary Lee, who introduced us each with a snippet of "wild" music. Here are the slides from my section, entitled "Talk a Mile in Someone Else's Shoes: How Poems for Two Voices Encourage Young Writers to Step Into New Perspectives." You can download this presentation as a PDF by clicking on the front page, and I'm also providing a copy of the "poetry folder" that I use in 2nd grade small group reading over the course of 5-10 days when we're focusing on point of view in the curriculum.

I hope there's something useful there for all you teachers.  Don't forget to be careful about attributions and copyright rules, which you can find here: [2008 Copyright Guidelines]

I'm excited to rejoin the Poetry Friday routine and look forward to all the goodies piling up over at TeacherDance with Linda to host us!


  1. I'm so sad not to be there to experience what I know will be an amazing session! Looking forward to hearing much more about this. Have fun!

  2. I am with you all in the halls - in spirit
    Heidi, Margaret, Mary Lee, Irene, Laura & the entire creative poetry crew. Brava! for you.
    Enjoy the sunshine (when you can get outside the conference halls . . . )

  3. Sorry about your unused sub plans! Elena was pretty ecstatic to have the day off. Enjoy your time in Texas!

  4. Oh, you've made me want to return to NCTE, Heidi, if nothing else than to see that "Poetry in The Wild". I'm glad you posted and sorry about the sub plans!

  5. Oh, Heidi! What a gift to see this. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Enjoy every moment. I love knowing that you are there and in such wonderful company.

  6. I would so love to come to that session! It's going to be fabulous!

  7. Best of luck with the Poetry in the Wild session. With you and your partners leading it, it's sure to be fantastic. I do hope you will share the results with us!

  8. Enjoy all of it, Heidi - especially the face to face interactions with so many PF friends.

  9. Wish I could have been there! I know it was wonderful! And glad you got out before the snow! Even if you did spend hours making sub plans!

  10. Sounds like a wonderful panel, and I'm hoping that we will hear more about it from all of you afterward–Enjoy!

  11. What a session you offered. WOW! Thank you for sharing your slides. I'm so envious of all of you who are there, but in all honesty I'm not sure how I'd ever choose which sessions to go to. So many amazing choices! Hoping to make it next year to Baltimore. -- Christie @

  12. Sounds like a terrific session--and I love the poems for two voices that your kiddos wrote!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!