
Friday, December 21, 2018


Wishing all a merry and bright Solstice!  Our family's 12 Nights of Yuletide begins this evening with a special meal and a candle-lighting ceremony (see Dec. 20 below), so all I have time for in between cooking and tablesetting is to recap my #haikuforhope this week.  Thanks again to Catherine Flynn and Mary Lee Hahn who ignited this little practice for me again this year.

Dec. 15 

holiday party 
I can’t enjoy the spiced punch 
emptied water jugs

Dec. 16 

pins and needles 
weary foot won't take the weight 
limbs stage a slowdown 

Dec. 17 

butter flour fruit spice 
rows and columns of goodness 
edible calendar

Dec. 18 

blur of class play grades 
parties actual meetings: 
a girl could lose a day  

Dec. 19 

weeks of drought 
dry arroyo of bedroom 
a flood of daughter

Dec. 20 

tradition, you bully 
meet me at the corner of 
must and love

Dec. 21

dark clock ticks 
repeatedly remind myself
tomorrow is longer

Three and half more hours of school...I look forward to a full tour of blogposts this weekend, rounded up for us by Buffy at her blog.  Joy to you all!


  1. Oh wow. I though 19 was my favourite - but then there was 20 and 21. Can't choose. (Am sure your busy days are so much better for these haiku moments.)

  2. the haiku on the just cannot top that one. It stops me in my tracks. Well done, this week. I've enjoyed playing haiku on twitter with you.

  3. OH, I love the flood of daughter! Mine is on her way!

  4. Although I don't have my children in college anymore, I still love most your 'flood of daughter' though now for me it's 'flood of son', he and his family arriving tonight. Enjoy your solstice beginning your vacation, Heidi.

  5. So much to love in these, Heidi! the blur, the flood of daughter, meeting the bully of tradition! Enjoy your yuletide.

  6. I could read a year of your haiku, Heidi! Maybe you'll keep going?

  7. I not only have a flood of daughter, but they come with their significant others and dogs! Love playing #haikuforhope this month. I'll be sad to see it end.

  8. I too remind myself that each day is going to be a bit brighter than the last, it certainly helps me work my way through the months of grey.

  9. I like your "edible calendar" haiku, and your "must and love" sounds intriguing… Enjoy your break and Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  10. December 20. So hard to hold fast to the traditions WE make when commercialism tries to sell us the traditions THEY want us to adopt.

    1. Honestly that one was more about the traditions I made when I was younger and more energetic which now feel like a lot of work!

  11. Haiku for hope! How wonderful--I love haiku and, well, hope--who couldn't use some of that!
    I especially like "a flood of daughter," and "must and love" and Dec 21--really they're all fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing them.

  12. Somehow I missed your post last week, and though I've been following on Twitter, I missed a few of your haiku there as well. Like so many others, I do love that "flood of daughter" and I can so relate to the tyranny of traditions that we ourselves began in earlier "more energetic" days. What a lovely group of haiku you've created! Thanks for sharing them all in one place.

  13. Your December 18 haiku made me smile. The holidays can be a lot and I like this speaker's sassy voice in the last line. Thanks for sharing these snippets of your holidays, Heidi.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!