
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

npm19: all of the above 8/9

 11 Years Left

Get a grip, kid--
it's an unwritten rule of
the planet outside your head
that to withdraw is to lose it. 
It only persists in the flexible
copper wirings and firings of
your beautiful brain.  Use it.


  1. 11 years? That's less than one generation of Pre-K-12. We can do it! But, I do wonder if kids look at me and wonder what I have to offer them. I'm not young and cool...I don't know their music or youtube experiences or things like that. So, my GENERAL INTENTION is to be relevant for 11 more years....I hope I can make it.

  2. This just slays me:
    It only persists in the flexible
    copper wirings and firings of
    your beautiful brain. Use it.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!