
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

npm19: all of the above 29/30

One last hurrah:  yesterday I was texting someone about the new Soil Science Club and I managed to send a message about

soul science

under the sharp green blades of   lightly
hold it between your thumbs and blow

are the grains  the clods  the dusts
from whence you came  of middle earth

sand  clay  silt    layers that call for
a hole is to dig and delve

a trip into a pit  deep and deeper hold
your breath in the tunnel  the sundered

under  the dark deposits  the buried
fossils of the prehistoric self   a

way to make of the soul a practical
system of study   dispassionate measures

that leave you sweaty  streaked with
dirt under the nails   in need of a long bath


  1. I love it when typos lead to wisdom!

  2. For me, your poem captures the reason why people garden -- it feeds the soul. There are discoveries there, a connection with our prehistoric selves.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!