
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

npm2020: poetry videos day 1 "April Gale"

This month, National Poetry Month 2020, I'm using my new digital recording skills and my new YouTube channel to practice performing my poems live.  Just as teaching online and sharing recorded read-alouds is very different than classroom teaching face-to-face, performing for the camera is really different than reading to an audience, but it's practice all the same.

So here, for April 1, is my first rather amateur poetry reading video!  These are short, just one read-through, so if you're watching with children, consider playing it twice.   : )

1 comment:

  1. I just saw the email notice for today! I love "Night Luck"! Your soothing voice, your poetry, your way of reaching your audience! Just ordered 2 copies of your book. I also want to learn/hear about your recording tips. Going back to watch, enjoy and share! These are great. I like April Gale. Perfect for yesterdays winds! Janet F.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!