
Thursday, May 5, 2022

may inklings challenge: #inhonorofnpm

May the Sixth Be With You! 

(I know that's not right, but I adore this Star Wars cleverness so much I'm recycling it for today.)

The Inklings all laughed uproariously when I quipped about a complicated plan to meet Linda's challenge this month: "Honor someone’s April Poetry project in some way with a poem in the spirit of their project, a response poem or any way that suits you." So then I had to do it...


Thanks to these three Poets I Want to Be When I Grow Up for their unique and powerful inspiration. I've been reading even if I haven't been commenting. Now go enjoy all the ways the other Inklings tackled the challenge!

Mary Lee Hahn @ A(nother) Year of Reading
Molly Hogan @ Nix the Comfort Zone
Linda Mitchell @ A Word Edgewise
Margaret Simon @ Reflections on the Teche

Our host today is Jama at Jama's Alphabet Soup, where she's poignantly Mother's Daying. One last note: should you want to help me celebrate my impending retirement from the full-time classroom thing (though not from teaching, of course!), please go here to see how. It's juicy!



  1. Ha! Well done, you. And, so inclusive--not to mention me smiling wide!

  2. "On all sides always" - indeed! I'm off to see about your leaving!

    1. A fabulous idea for your students moving on, Heidi!

  3. I love this, particularly "greener secret."

    1. Fabulous idea! Happy to support your efforts to see the 5th graders off with poetry.

  4. Funny and clever! Love the greener secret, although we are greatly reducing our lawn and planting a pollinator prairie. I''l have to circle back to see what else you'll be up to after your classroom adventures end! (I love being a non-formal educator - much more freedom!)

    1. I thought my signature would show my blog address, but alas it does not - Carol from The Apples in My Orchard!

  5. May all the days of May be with us always, because they are some of the year's most beautiful days, at least here in the Midwest!

    best... mae at
    (My name is Mae and I was not born in May)

  6. I love the generosity of you poem!

    1. AND your gift for the fifth graders. Just made my donation!

  7. Nice nature poetry which those of us experiencing spring will like.

  8. I agree all of these poets are wonderful as is your poem!

  9. Yes, to inclusiveness, and "on all sides always!" Green, Green, Green, and hopefully it'll be native to its specific local, thanks Heidi!

  10. Ah. Perfection! You pulled it off, Heidi. Not that I ever doubted you would :) I love how you rose to the challenge and rewarded all of us with this poem. Your idea for those rising 6th graders is fabulous! I do hope you share your speech from the promotion ceremony.

  11. Your poem is brilliant, as always. Yes to "the greener secret!" What a lovely idea to share Imperfect II with these lucky students. They made a wise choice when picking you to speak at their Moving Up ceremony!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!