
Friday, April 14, 2023

classic found poem a la Jone

Greetings, Poetry Paloozers! (Wait, that didn't come out quite right. We are not loozers; this month we are all winners!) Today I'll be joining in Jone Rush McCulloch's "Classic Found Poem Palooza," but not before I give another introduction to a project of WHISPERshout Writing Workshop...

the new online journal publishing poetry by kids ages 4-12, WHISPERshout Magazine! Issue 1.2 is now out; each month will have four Wednesday "episodes." We're keeping it small, in keeping with the audience--younger kids and classes of students through 6th grade. (When I say we I'm currently talking the Royal We, though I hope one or two of you might be interested in contributing to editorial duties...just let me know in the comments!) Please share the link to the site with kids and grandkids and teachers you know and encourage them to submit their work.  Here's a sample of the poem-accompanied-by-artwork presentation we're going for.

"paper" by Jordy, age 7, MD

Now, on to the classics!  Jone and her friend Moe have asked us to "Find a classic book.  Look for a poem in it." As I have four different editions of my namesake classic HEIDI on the shelf, that's my obvious source!  I searched a 2000 reprint of the 1880 original published by Aladdin, the first two or three pages of Chapter 4 called "A Visit to Grannie," and found this.

That was fun--not least the part where I broke a rule I didn't know I had and HIGHLIGHTED THE PAGES OF MY BOOK. It felt illicit and delicious!

It is really fun to see all the contributions to Jone and Moe's Padlet--thanks for this great opportunity, and thanks for hosting us, Jone!


  1. Oh, that wonderful broken rule! Ha ha ha ha! Such a fun way to poem. I love the goats--fond memories of the record of Heidi I used to listen to as a kid.

  2. Yay for the second issue of whisperShout! I'm not sure I ever read "Heidi." Your found poem has inspired me to find a copy. I love all the images you've included, especially "the strange music the treetops."

  3. You turned Classic Heidi into 100% Poet Heidi! I love the double meaning of blow!

  4. Isn't that thought of trees and wind putting on the dress of making music wonderful? Nice, Heidi.

  5. So special to us HEIDI, Heidi! Thanks for taking me back to the mountain!

  6. Can't HEIDI the awesomeness in your poem. Well done. :)

  7. I like the imagery your poem offers, “put on a dress once more/of strange music” and that strong bird too—fun meander! Happy second issue too, thanks Heidi!

  8. Gasp! Highlighter?? One of my sons dies anytime I dog-ear a book page or crack a spine. I love booklovers!

  9. Oh I love your take on Heidi! And writing in a book…indeed delicious. I passed Whispershout onto my TWU students.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!