
Friday, August 10, 2012

10 for 10: Picture Books for a New Year

I'm posting from my classroom today, where my efforts to move into a new classroom before the teachers' preservice week starts have been washed out by a flood.  Everything I did yesterday to lay out rugs and arrange furniture is now undone, and my precious carpet is filthy and soaking.  What can a teacher do but make a quick list of 10 classic picture books she couldn't live without?  The classicness of these titles perhaps shows my age, and I'll be taking a cue from Mary Lee in trying to find 10 newer books to add to my Class Favorites rack.

In chronological order as I'll use them this year:

1. Swimmy by Leo Lionni
2. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, many versions
3. Pumpkin Circle by George Levenson
4. Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss
5. Frederick by Leo Lionni
6. Mattland by Hazel Hutchins and Gail Herbert
7. The Tree That Time Built, edited by Mary Ann Hoberman
(okay, technically not picture book, but so rich I think of it as illustrated!)
8. Piggy in the Puddle by Charlotte Pomeranz
9.  The Little Red Hen, many versions
10.  Hazel's Amazing Mother by Rosemary Wells

I hope to voyage around the 10 For 10 Picture Book lists of others.  The round-up today is hosted nutritiously by Violet Nesdoly!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the flood! I hope the school insurance will take care of a good cleaning for your rug!

    I also wanted to mention that The Piggy in the Puddle is one of my favorites! So much fun to read aloud!

  2. Heidi, I'm sending you a poem for this coming week, my staff week, too, like you. I'm so sorry about your water issue. A similar thing happened last year to a teacher when a pipe broke in her ceiling sprinklers. It was terrible, but we all pitched in & fixed it back in a day. I hope you'll get some help & this weekend has softened the blow. Thanks for the book list. I love Swimmy & Frederick (he's on my list, too). There are so many lovely books to choose. Best wishes!

  3. So many of the books I'm going to sneak into my "first weeks" tub are the classics that didn't make it to my list of newer books -- Miss Rumphius, Leo the Late Bloomer...they are classics for a REASON!!!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!