
Poetry Friday for ES

Hello, Teachers!

On this page you'll find links to all my posts about teaching poetry in elementary school classrooms from PreK-2.  They'lll give you an overview of the kinds of activities we did and examples of children's work from my 15+ years of blogging (in roughly grade-level order, not chronological order).

Very few of these posts directly address students, but you can find the new WHISPERshout Poetry Magazine by clicking this link.  This online magazine is publishing poetry and accompanying artwork by kids ages 4-12, and each weekly issue showcases 4-5 poems with a little commentary on the poets' techniques.

Please browse now and check back soon, when I will have links to some downloadable materials that you might find useful.  Thanks for visiting!


PreK and K

Poetry Friday Arrives in PreK

How-To: Garden Poems with PreK

An Action Poem for Early Childhood Classrooms

Kindergarten Poetry Friday Anthology: The Poems We Read...

"Fish" link and "Sing a Rainbow"

"Clouds" Christina Rossetti


"Stir a Bowl of Gingerbread"

"Chicken Soup with Rice" Maurice Sendak

...and Wrote

1st Grade Poetry Friday Anthology: The Poems We Read...

2nd Grade Poetry Friday Anthology: The Poems We Read...

"balloon" Colleen Thibaudeau

...and Wrote

2nd Grade Coral Reef Poems

2nd Grade Habitat Poems

National Poetry Month Project WITH 2nd Graders--almost daily posts, April 2018

A Little Slice of Earth--Nature Poems by 2nd Graders

National Poetry Month Project WITH 2nd Graders--almost daily posts, April 2018

On Voice and Bilingualism

Visiting Poet Workshop - 2nd Grade Poems

Reflections on a Year of 2nd Grade

3rd-Grade Haiku and Comments on the Rubric by Which It Was Scored

All Grades: 

RE (Sunday School) Nature Poems

Science Series: Poems for Synergizing with Your Science Curriculum (5 posts, Nov/Dec 2014)

For YOU!

Poetry is Art Class with Words: Poetry Foundation's Summer Teacher Institute

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