Friday, November 8, 2024

a poem for the morning after

 Just this, from 6 am on 11/6:

Be, my friends. Be well if you can, be strong, be sanctuary if possible; be yourself.


  1. finding sanctuary in underwear-- you're a genius
    here's to the harder, slower work ahead

  2. Brilliant, Heidi. Love how your mind works. :)

  3. Talking about grounding your feelings in the concrete details. Wow! I love this!

  4. Obviously, we need the strength to carry on with what will come; even the underwear girds us, as you mirrored all our thoughts so poignantly, Heidi. Your post reminds me of the sixties, that 'braless' time of defiance. (It made a difference!) Thank you!

  5. This was just what I needed to read. Your last line especially girded me for the coming year! Thank you.

  6. What a unique take on events, Heidi. Putting on those big girl pants, seriously, what a ripper of a poem. Go well with your girding...

  7. Somehow, there is hope in your words. The work will be slower and harder, but we will get it done. Thank you, Heidi.

  8. So powerful. Proud to be a part of the sisterhood of the Big Girl Pants with you!

  9. Heidi, your poem weaved in so many topics that are timely. Big girl pants are needed to do your important work. Work may be slower but you are on the right track post-election.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!