I've known for about a month now about this new opportunity, but this week I received my first official communication as a member of the...
Our charge is
- To
recommend on a regular basis (every two years beginning in 2009) the
name of a living American poet or anthologist to the NCTE Executive
Committee to receive the NCTE Children's Poetry Award in recognition of his or her aggregate work.
- To establish an annual list of Notable Poetry Books published in the current year by any poet, living or deceased, and of any nationality.
- To establish an annual list of Notable Verse Novels published in the current year by any poet, living or deceased, and of any nationality.
- To sustain a collection of poetry books of past and future award winners in the University of Minnesota, Kerlan Collection.
- To recognize and foster excellence in children’s poetry by encouraging its publication.
- To explore ways to acquaint teachers and children with poetry through such means as publications, programs, and displays.
I'll be joining a group of seven good folks who share these responsibilities and as you can imagine, I'm thrilled to be of service in this way and looking forward to reading 75-100 books of poetry and novels in verse each year!
And now, an InstadraftTM
of a sharing moment that occurred unexpectedly on Tuesday at the end of the day.
My Tradition
is my tradition because I'm the only one!
The only one in my family
born in China.
My mom and dad (can I tell their real names?)
were born in Texas; my sister too.
My brother was also born in the United States
(is New Mexico part of the United States?)
in New Mexico. But I was born in China,
and I should tell you
I'm adopted.
That's when your parents can't

take care of you, and I went to an orphanage.
It's not sad, because three years later--
THREE YEARS--that's where
my family found me and brought me home.
So, Chinese New Year Is MY tradition.
We'll eat Chinese food
and maybe have some decorations
and watch the parade in China
with the dragon dance.
My favorite part is eating with chopsticks.
Happy Year of the Pig!
©HM 2019
The round-up today is brought to us by Laura at
Writing the World for Kids, I think.....parade on over and see what's happening!