Thursday, April 18, 2024

all join in: the poetry friday round-up is here!

Greetings once again to all who keep Poetry Friday, to all who mark National Poetry Month, to all who care about Poetry and Justice for All!  I'm thrilled to be your host today, this Earth Day weekend, and to remind us all of our ancestral roots in the Kidlitosphere by bringing you some number of poems written and composed by kids of my acquaintance.  

You don't need me to remind you that the future of our planet belongs to these our youngest poets. You need THEM to remind you.

and, in conclusion:

Diversity.  Unity.  Wonder.  Belief.   

Now you bring YOUR diversity, unity, wonder and belief to our Friday!  InLinkz will collect your links below.  HAPPY EARTH DAY!


  1. Terrific array of poetry! Some favorite lines include "my green doesn't wait for permission to grow," "just not really quiet," "my family of light," "the door is melting," and "I want to meet you." Thanks for hosting!

  2. Heidi, what a great bunch of poems from these very young people! Oh, the way they describe things is wonderful. I love "family of light." And, the door, "melting at the bottom." What fun you must have with these guys. Happy Earth Day Weekend to you!

  3. Love the diversity in the presentation of these earthy poems. Heidi. Always a pleasure to see the words of young poets highlighted in this way. No doubt this was a most pleasurable project for all of you.

  4. These are fantastic - so many different styles and voices! Today I'm sharing a student-based, crowd-sourced poem. Thanks for hosting!

  5. Oh, my, Heidi - these are stunning and wonderful. Such great art, too! I'm particularly in love with the exact same lines Tabatha mentioned - each one! Congrats to the young creatives, and thank you for sharing, for making a place for these voices and more, and for hosting us all this week! xo (Happy Earth Day!)

  6. What marvelous poems! I especially love the door melting at the bottom and
    Poems are like
    quietness just not
    really quiet

    Thanks so much for sharing these and for hosting today!

  7. Oh, the refreshing joy and wonder of poetry in the hands of children. Thank-you for sharing these juicy little treasures, Heidi. Can I be excessive and list something I loved about each of them?
    * Yellow Butter Ink
    * the enjambment in Ocean.
    * Coral! (I didn't see that coming. I want to meet you, too!)
    * the door is melting
    * my family of fire
    * the crashing beach
    * that wolf art!
    * pinecones that lay on their backs and look at the sky
    * like fingers... or hair... or matted grass (Yes!)
    * moon art - nailed it!
    * a rainbow of grays
    * flavour thick squished
    * my green doesn't wait for permission to grow.
    * And Kellan's wisdom on poetry.

  8. Heidi, thank you for sharing the poetry of these creative young people! There is so much to love here! I was struck by the line “green doesn’t need permission to grow.” Thank you for hosting Poetry Friday this week and bringing together poets of all ages!

  9. It feels very nice to read the love of all things on earth in these children's poems, Heidi. Thank you for them and for hosting!

  10. These young poets give me hope. Taylor especially as I, too, have "orange, orange swirling around my mind..." Thank you, Heidi, for rounding up these young poets' brilliance and rounding up all of us "who keep Poetry Friday" as well. :)

  11. (Sorry to comment as Anonymous. It's Rose C. Google wouldn't let me sign in.)
    Thank you, Heidi, for hosting today and for sharing these wonderful poems and art. They bring joy to my heart and took me right back to my work with students. I agree with Kellon - "Poems are like quietness just not really quiet."

  12. Every one of these poems holds a spark of magic, and I just want to ask each poet about how they lit it! Thank you, Heidi, for this gorgeous and inspiring doorway into Earth Day weekend. Thank you, young poets, for your generosity and for holding your poem candles high. xo, a.

  13. Wow! These poems are amazing. I really love that coral mask poem!

  14. Delightful to read these poems. Esp. like "I am the Sun", everything yellow and the orange swirling around in my mind. Happy Earth Day and thanks for hosting this week!

  15. How I adore the poetry of wee ones. Thank you for offering a smile this morning. And thank you for hosting.

  16. From Irene, having trouble commenting:
    "Heidi, thank you for these small wonders (created by other wonders)! I am in love with that boomarang moon and the (un) quietness of poetry. Thanks to these young poets and to you for all you give. xo"

  17. I love reading poems written by children! These are all remarkable, such as the poem written in the POV of Coral. Thank your students.

  18. The future of our planet is in caring hands! I especially love the "unperfect but perfect" leaf, the snow inside the geode, "Little animals that glow like leaves," saying hello to pinecones, and the detailed descriptions in "What Are You?" Every poem is a gem! Thank you!

  19. What a magical mix of poems! Sofija's sophisticated poem about cumulonimbus clouds and gray rainbows, an image that will stick with me.

  20. Heidi, thank you for hosting and sharing the young poets' work. Sofija's poem stands out for the imagery and word choice: in a rainbow of gray. All the children shared their thoughts and must be proud. I give everyone a a loud whispershout for their work.

  21. This is just what I needed. Of all the things I miss since I've retired from education, writing poetry with kids has to be at the top of the list. They're the natural poets of this world. I was delighted by all of them. They show so much of what each child understands about poetry - and they just sing with love of this world. Thank you so much for hosting today and spreading the poetry love.

  22. Great poems from the kids! Thanks for sharing, for giving kids the opportunity to publish.

  23. Such a fantastically rich post Heidi, so much good earthiness here. Thanks for sharing all these budding poets and artists, love them all and especially the shape poem. Thanks for hosting, and Happy Almost Earth Day!

  24. Three cheers for these "not / really quiet" poems! A standing ovation for all of the poets! Thank you for hosting. Sorry to be absent this week. I just couldn't manage to do everything all at once.

  25. Heidi, Thanks so much for hosting! UGH! These poems touch my heart and make me miss working with students! Thank you for sharing them. I especially like the one about coral.

  26. Heidi- I love your young poets' words - they inspire me and give me hope. Thank you for introducing me to DEAR HUMAN and thank you for all you do for this pretty planet!

  27. Oh my goodness! What loveliness. I love all these different voices. A couple of lines that really stick with me are those creatures glowing like leaves and crawling down the trees and the sun shining its family down on everything. What an inspiring group of young poets--hooray! And thank you for hosting, Heidi!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!