Friday, August 21, 2015

the rush

Thanks once again to Tabatha for making it happen!
Well, here it is...the rush of adrenaline that comes at this time of year: the calendreal limits of the summer, the moment when projects must be finished, first days to prepare for, new classrooms to discover the delights of.  With these also come that "oh no!" feeling of realizing that some plans have to be abandoned--such as my plan to properly round up today the riches I received from my Summer Poem Swap partners this year.  Instead I offer this instadraft in your plural honor:


This is how I sum it up,
full of gratitude:
Some were early,
some were late,
colored, plain and luscious.
Some are moving,
some are still,
folded, flat and precious. 

To know that you sat,
walked, shopped, thought,
scribbled, cobbled;
To know that you sought
to say something to me,
for me, of me--
that you made your words
a gift of art--
your gifts are greater than the
sum of all their parts.

[draft] Heidi Mordhorst 2015
all rights reserved 

The round-up is in the comments today at Reading to the Core, where Catherine is grieving and the rest of us are with her. Of all things, poetry may suffice.


  1. I love your little thank you poem. Did you get my email? I was trying to be on the ball, too, and I somehow lost your poem to me. I remember its beauty of Greece and taking me back to the Aegean Sea. I'd love to have a digital copy that I can print again. (Of course, once I do, it will turn up.) The Summer Poem Swap is such a treasure!

  2. <3<3 Heidi! I love how the poems just keep expanding, like ripples on a pond. "Cobbled" is a favorite, and also "To know that you sought/to say something to me,/for me, of me--" *happy sigh*

  3. I love the poem, created from "all" the poetic ingredients, and do think this swap is special, as you write "precious", Heidi. I've certainly felt very grateful for all of those I've received.

  4. I missed doing the summer poem swap...but this was not the summer to do it. Love your tribute to your swappers!

  5. A lovely summery summary, Heidi - though I couldn't put my hat in the ring this year, it's been a treat to see samplings of poetry magic going back and forth among so many of my favorite folks on the planet.
    Have a GREAT start getting your school of Minnows off and swimming!


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!