Friday, February 4, 2022

no, no, nonet

Greetings, Poetry Friday friends, and happy February!  Many in this community are participating with others outside it in Laura Shovan's 10th Annual February Poetry Project.  The theme this year is TIME--which is apropos, in that this week I suddenly found myself with very much less time than I did in January, when the combination of weather and Omicron led to quite a few unexpected free hours.  All the February dailies of regular school and AFPP prompts have led me to a LaMiPoFri situation with the monthly challenge of the Inklings (which I remembered at 10:30pm last night. *sigh*).

This month, Catherine Flynn set us a worthy and welcome challenge:

Write a mathematical poem, such as a fib, pi poem, nonet, etc. Find inspiration here: or here: or here:  Feel free to interpret this challenge in any way that feels right for you. Have fun!


I'm saying yes, yes to the nonet, a (probably deceptively) simple-syllable count form you can read about with Billy Collins here: 9 lines, counting down from 9 syllables in the first line to 1 in the last--or, as amply demonstrated in Nine: A Book of Nonet Poems by our friend Irene Latham, the reverse. That allows for a total of 45 syllables either way....


Et voilà my naughty late nonet! One can always find something to say about the weather.




Wishing all our friends safe and cozy snow'n'ice days where that applies, thanking Catherine and the rest of the Inklings (see below) for the camaraderie of the challenge, and appreciating Elisabeth at Unexpected Intersections for hosting us today! 

-Catherine at Reading to the Core
-Linda at A Word Edgewise  -Margaret at Reflections on the Teche


  1. Your wet nonet is fun, Heidi!
    (I wrote this comment in a fog - you're right, "one can always find something to say about the weather." ;)

  2. Hooray for your last minute nonet, Heidi. At the moment we have "rain, nothing but rain, rain" and it is very "greyish, gloomy" around here. It's all supposed to turn to ice, so I am happy to spend the day reading PF posts! Stay dry!

  3. I have to take Preston for a walk now, so I am really feeling this poem, Heidi. Rain is more fun when you don't have to be out in it :(

  4. Aha, a nonet. I didn't know the form, but this & its internal near-rhymes are great!

    It's raining here in Connecticut, too.

  5. Ha! You did it with humor and style -- so very well. One CAN always find something to say about the weather. I do like how you repeat that word, rain. Oh, what a rain we've had. At least it washed all that brine off the roads.

  6. You and me both forgot and pulled off a LaMiPoFri nonet. Bravo! Or is it Brave? Either way, the weather is always there to feed the muse. Sorry about the rain. That's all we got.

  7. Way to pull off a LaMiPoFri! I much prefer snow to rain and that grey, dismal atmosphere. It's hard to feel down when the world is glowing, filled with mysterious hummocks and shadows.

  8. I'm glad to see another side because instead of shoveling for a few hours, I am often wishing for a day of rain! Sorry for yours, wishing for mine!

  9. Your last-minute muse did not fail you, Heidi! This is wonderful and could describe many a winter day in my corner of the world. Thanks for finding the time ;-) to share your poem with us and for being part of the Poetry Friday party this week.

  10. I love your poem, Heidi. It makes me feel the pounding dreariness of your long, grey rainy winters.

  11. Everyone writes nonets about the weather but no one does anything about it.


Thanks for joining in the wild rumpus!