9. Breaking Through the Word Wall
We look
We like
We like apple!
We like cat We like dog We like eagle
You like this fish.
You like this lion.
I like
suddenly getting how this whole
writing-reading-talking thing actually works
10. Elemental Trace Analysis
icky sticky gooey glue
green grass green leaves
rain water mashed peas
playdough paint
pencil shavings
pumpkin vines
squishy brains
mucky gunky sticky mud
ooey gooey green gum
that's what oobleck's made of
11. Standards-Based Grading
I am P for Proficient--
independent and efficient
I am I for In Progress--
I can get it, more or less
I am N for Not Yet--
more time to let my jello set
HM 2013 draft
Hello, Heidi. Oh, how I love your Ooblek poem. I remember when my girl came home with a baggie of icky sticky gooey glue. Your poem made me smile.